Finding joy in the midst of existential horror
An experiment in being human
Hi, I'm Heidi. I have no idea what I'm doing...
but every once in a while, I stumble on a moment of genius. So here I am, attempting to share these moments - though gawd only knows if what I write will make sense to anyone else...

Things I've written (most of them horribly old)
ADHD medication; A semi-accidental experiment
So I semi-accidentally conducted a bit of an experiment this past weekend, with results that are annoying, but also useful to know (and possibly helpful for others, hence the ridiculously long post) First, some context (’cause I can’t help myself)… 2020 was a hell of year, for just about all of us – for ME,…
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Fuck it, let’s do this
I’ve decided to start a blog. Which is stupid, now of all times. Nobody reads blogs anymore… hell, I barely have the bandwidth to read social media posts that are longer than a few sentences. But a funny thing happened this morning, and now I feel compelled to write… there’s this thing I’ve done, damn…
How to deal with Impostor Syndrome
Impostor Syndrome; the crippling belief that your accomplishments are a fluke, you have no real skill, and you’re sure to be exposed as a fraud at any moment. Impostor Syndrome is an insidious beast. Not least of which because it likes to convince you that you are the only person “unworthy” enough to be suffering…
What does it mean to have a "thriving" business?
Everyone’s idea of “enough” is different – there’s no wrong answer to “how much money do I need to thrive?” (Well, ALMOST no wrong answer… Clearly there are a number of billionaires who could stand to be a bit more enlightened when it comes to what they actually need…) But it’s important to remember that…
It’s ok to get paid for world-changing work
How do you feel about charging for the work you do? If you’re like most of my clients, getting paid appropriately for your work is something you struggle with. There’s this notion that doing “good work” should be reward enough – that getting paid somehow tarnishes the sincerity of the work, that asking to be paid “proves”…
Finding hope through despair
For all that I talk about being driven to make a positive difference in the world, I have to confess… I am frequently overcome by the fear that I’ll never be able to make ENOUGH of a difference. I’ve had this fear for as long as I’ve had the drive, but with everything that’s happened…
Getting over the mom guilt
Prefer Video? Prefer Audio? Or download it & take it with you! I used to have so much guilt about leaving my boys with somebody else so that I could go to work… No matter how much I loved my work, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I should be with my boys… that being…
Busting the "work / life balance" myth
One of the most tempting ideas to hit the world of business is that of creating “work / life balance” – in fact, many consider it the holy grail of goals. Lack of work / life balance is blamed for all the ills that befall us, and (especially as small business owners) we ache for…
The power – and necessity – of community
{Cross posted from Facebook, in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting} I don’t really watch / read the news, so FB tends to be where I first hear about the latest and greatest tragedies facing our world… Hurricanes. Fires. Earthquakes. State-sanctioned police brutality against voters. Mass shootings. It’s hard for anyone to take in…