Episode 06: Jenn Tasnim Savage
Path Finder, Truth Guide, Rebel Healer, Spiritual Teacher & Business Mentor
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I had the pleasure of connecting with Jenn via my 100 Conversations Project - a 30 minute conversation that went by entirely too quickly! It was immediately apparent that she was someone I wanted to interview for this series, as we discussed the similarities in our work and in the challenges our clients face.
Jenn specializes in accessing the truths that live in our bodies, and using that "body knowing" to release old patterns... a skill that is greatly needed in this "brain focused" society that we live in!
In our conversation, we touched on the importance - and challenges - of showing up fully as yourself, ways of addressing the fears that come up around doing so, and the reality of being "a spiritual being having a human experience" (including the fact that being human includes both the light AND the dark).
As with all of these conversations, we could easily have talked for hours - I may actually have to invite Jenn back for a "part two" so that we can dive deeper into a few of the topics that came up!
Find Jenn on the InterWebs
Website: http://jennsavage.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jennesavage
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenntasnim/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenntasnim
About the Series
One of the less-obvious challenges of building a thriving, sustainable business that ALSO makes the world a better place, is believing that it's even possible.
That's why I'm gathering together some of the most wonderful and amazing entrepreneurs I know - seriously Badass Bleeding Hearts - to share stories of their own business building journeys, so that you can see just how wonderfully possible it really is (and that everyone struggles, not just you).
Upcoming Interviews

McKensie Mack
Director at Art+Feminism, Anti-Oppression Consultant + Copywriter, Performance Artist

Karen Hawkwood
Master Certified Coach, Archetypal Astrologer, and Chief Busybody at Work Like You
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