Episode 03: Desiree Adaway
Speaker, Writer, Leadership Coach, Equity & Inclusivity Trainer & Facilitator
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Desiree Adaway has taught me so much about showing up and speaking out about the things that you believe in and care about, with passion and consistency. Her daily "Dear Sister (not just cister)" posts have continued uninterrupted for more than two years, providing inspiration and motivation to more than 17,000 on Facebook and Twitter.
It is always a joy to speak to this incredibly wise (and funny) woman, and I'm thrilled to share her stories and insight with you.
In this interview, we talked about the ways that society teaches us to conform, the price we pay for doing so, and the fact that building a sustainable business requires us to continually grow and evolve. We also discussed racism/white supremacy (of course), universal design, and how we're all better off when we design for the most marginalized among our community.
Find Desiree on the InterWebs
Website: http://desireeadaway.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/desireeadaway
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/desireeadaway/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/desireeadaway
About the Series
One of the less-obvious challenges of building a thriving, sustainable business that ALSO makes the world a better place, is believing that it's even possible.
That's why I'm gathering together some of the most wonderful and amazing entrepreneurs I know - seriously Badass Bleeding Hearts - to share stories of their own business building journeys, so that you can see just how wonderfully possible it really is (and that everyone struggles, not just you).
Upcoming Interviews

McKensie Mack
Director at Art+Feminism, Anti-Oppression Consultant + Copywriter, Performance Artist

Karen Hawkwood
Master Certified Coach, Archetypal Astrologer, and Chief Busybody at Work Like You
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